Antiques & Jewellery Valuation Day in Cricklade

RWB Auctions Valuation Day at Cricklade Town Hall
On Tuesday, 14 January, from 10am to 3pm, RWB Auctions will be hosting a Valuation Day at Cricklade Town Hall. Members of the public are invite to have their antiques, jewellery, and collectables professionally valued by the expert team from RWB Auctions for free. This event is the perfect occasion to receive expert advice and guidance if you are considering selling valuable items or consigning them to auction. Whether it’s a piece of fine jewellery, a family heirloom, or an antique collectable, RWB Auctions is committed to helping you achieve the best results.
Immediate Offers for Gold, Jewellery, Silver, and Coins
In addition to auction consignment valuations, RWB Auctions will also be offering on-the-spot valuations for those wishing to sell gold, jewellery, silver, or coins immediately. This service is perfect for anyone looking for a fast, secure, and convenient way to sell valuable items. You will receive a cash offer on the day, eliminating the need to wait for an auction to take place.
About Cricklade Town Hall
Cricklade Town Hall is located in the heart of the beautiful Wiltshire town of Cricklade, and is a centre for the community hosting events throughout the week. There is plenty of parking on site for easy access to our valuation events.
Event Details
Date: Monday, 24 February
Time: 10am - 3pm
Venue: High St, Cricklade, Swindon SN6 6AE
Hosted by: RWB Auctions
Offering: Free valuations for auction consignments, Immediate offers for gold, jewellery, silver, and coins
To book an appointment, please email or call the team on 01793 840777. Whether you’re considering consigning antiques and collectables to auction or selling your valuable metals directly, RWB Auctions specialists are here to provide professional and reliable advice.